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  • Cadee Brystal

Pay Attention

Several years ago, I kept a Post-it stuck to the lower edge of my computer. On the colorful piece of paper, I had written, "Pay Attention." A coworker asked what it meant. The answer was simple: It was a reminder to keep my attention focused on the important things in life.

The note is long gone, and about a week ago, I received a reminder that I have not been paying attention. I let myself become busy with inconsequential distractions that caused me to neglect some aspects of the relationships that truly matter. God. Husband. Children. My dear, sweet husband let me know that I have been slacking, and we are working together to correct that. Thank heavens, he gave me the reminder.

However, the current climate has gotten me to thinking that there are others who, just like me, may have become distracted by the business of life and may have forgotten to take care of the relationships that are the most vital. We can't assume that the relationships will thrive if we are failing to cultivate them actively.

So, today, as you begin another busy work week, I'd suggest that we each remind ourselves to pay attention and to show those we love, just how precious they are to us.

Thanks for checking in -- I hope you have a great and loving week!

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