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  • Cadee Brystal

Keeping It Simple

I've been quiet on the blog this year. I have excuses, but not good ones. Like so many others, I became bogged down and didn't accomplish everything I might have if it had been a "normal" year. But it was not a normal year. Everyone has their own story about how the year went and today is not the day to focus on the recent past. Instead, let's focus on the distant past, when things were simple. The story of Jesus' birth is about as organic as it can be. It's the story of a young mother bringing her child into the world with only her partner's assistance. It took place in a simple setting: a barn made of stone and wood, with the scents of hay, straw, and livestock. The lights were dim (if there were any), and the members of the little family relied upon each other. It was simple, and yet, it was the very first Christmas.

In 2020, some folks are upset that the health guidelines surrounding the pandemic are forcing them to forego their Christmas celebrations. But perhaps this is an opportunity for a reset of our outlooks. It's the chance to keep it simple and get back to an organic Christmas. Maybe, rather than attending a large Christmas gathering, each of us can spend quality time with those in the same household. Maybe, rather than spending days on massive shopping (or shipping) sprees, we can invest that time on the telephone or video chat with our neighbors, grandparents or great-grandparents. Maybe, instead of taking a holiday getaway, we can donate the money we would have spent to the local homeless shelter or food pantry. Maybe, instead of being embroiled in chaos, we can actually feel the peace that Christ brings to those who will accept it. Maybe, it will be a blessing to keep it simple this year.

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